- 窃星
- 版权信息
- 引言 -Introduction
- 星 -(1897)-The Star
- 苏丹娜之梦 -(1905)-Sultana's Dream
- 机器的胜利 -(1907)-The Triumph of Mechanics
- 机械之城 -(1913)-Mechanopolis
- 首城末日 -(1918)-The Doom of Principal City
- 彗星 -(1920)-The Comet
- “波塞冬尼亚号”的命运 -(1927)-The Fate of the Poseidonia
- 窃星 -(1929)-The Star Stealers
- 征服戈拉 -(1931)-The Conquest of Gola
- 火星奥德赛 -(1934)-A Martian Odyssey
- 机器人与最后的诗人 -(1934)-The Last Poet and the Robots
- 微观巨人 -(1936)-The Microscopic Giants
- 逃兵 -(1944)-Desertion
- 2005年9月:火星人 -(1949)-September 2005: The Martian
- 幼儿发电机 -(1952)-Baby HP
- 表面张力 -(1952)-Surface Tension
- 天外的巫伯 -(1952)-Beyond Lies the Wub
- 雪球效应 -(1952)-The Snowball Effect
- 普罗特 -(1953)-Prott
- 地球的解放 -(1953)-The Liberation of Earth
- 有房可依 -(1954)-Let Me Live in a House
- 星 -(1955)-The Star
- 祖父 -(1955)-Grandpa
- 龙鼠博弈 -(1955)-The Game of Rat and Dragon
- 最后的问题 -(1956)-The Last Question
- 编者简介 -About the Editors
- 译者简介 -About the Translators
- 致谢 -Acknowledgements
- 授权声明 -Permissions Acknowledgements
- 关于与《科幻百科全书》合作的声明 -The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction Partnership
- 额外致谢 -Additional Thanks
- 异站
- 版权信息
- 引言 -Introduction
- 异站 -(1956)-Stranger Station
- 星际病院 -(1957)-Sector General
- 造访者 -(1958)-The Visitors
- 毛皮 -(1958)-Pelt
- 怪物 -(1958)-The Monster
- 失去大海的男人 -(1959)-The Man Who Lost the Sea
- 完满 -(1959)-Plenitude
- 时间的声音 -(1960)-The Voices of Time
- 宇航员 -(1960)-The Astronaut
- 咎由自取 -(1962)-The Squid Chooses Its Own Ink
- 2 B R O 2 B -(1962)-2 B R O 2 B
- 谦逊的天才 -(1969)-A Modest Genius
- 复仇之日 -(1965)-Day of Wrath
- 手 -(1965)-The Hands
- 黑暗 -(1963)-Darkness
- 『忏悔吧,小丑!』嘀嗒人说 -(1965)-『Repent,Harlequin!』Said the Ticktockman
- 九百个祖母 -(1966)-Nine Hundred Grandmothers
- 百万日 -(1966)-Day Million
- 会学习的身体 -(1953)-Student Body
- 没错,还有蛾摩拉 -(1967)-Aye,and Gomorrah
- 机器殿堂 -(1968)-The Hall of Machines
- 柔软的时钟 -(1968)-Soft Clocks
- 三个摩德兰人 -(1971)-Three from Moderan
- 让我们拯救宇宙(伊乔·蒂奇的一封公开信) -(1971)-Let Us Save the Universe (An Open Letter from Ijon Tichy)
- 庞大而凝滞,甚于帝国 -(1971)-Vaster Than Empires and More Slow
- 编者简介 -About the Editors
- 译者简介 -About the Translators
- 致谢 -Acknowledgements
- 授权声明 -Permissions Acknowledgements
- 关于与《科幻百科全书》合作的声明 -The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction Partnership
- 额外致谢 -Additional Thanks
- 沙王
- 版权信息
- 引言 Introduction
- 来自梵蒂冈的喜讯 (1971) Good News from the Vatican
- 改变之时 (1972) When It Changed
- 我醒来发现自己在寒冷的山坡上 (1972) And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill’s Side
- 两条小径交会之处 (1973) Where Two Paths Cross
- 立女 (1974) Standing Woman
- IWM 1000 (1975) The IWM 1000
- 慈悲分享者之所 (1977) The House of Compassionate Sharers
- 危险游戏 (1979) Sporting with the Chid
- 沙王 (1979) Sandkings
- 太太们 (1976) Wives
- 读过乔姆斯基的蛇 (1981) The Snake Who Had Read Chomsky
- 玲子的箱宇宙 (1981) Reiko’s Universe Box
- 群 (1982) Swarm
- 残酷世界 (1983) Mondocane
- 血音乐 (1983) Blood Music
- 血孩子 Bloodchild
- 变奏的作曲家 (1984) Variation on a Man
- 似花过亡城 (1984) Passing as a Flower in the City of the Dead
- 新玫瑰旅馆 (1984) New Rose Hotel
- 罐子 (1985) Pots
- 雪 (1986) Snow
- 湖中积满人造物 (1985) The Lake Was Full of Artificial Things
- 紫罗兰独一无二的香味 (1985) The Unmistakable Smell of Wood Violets
- 失落艺术的解读者 (1986) Readers of the Lost Art
- 文明世界的赠礼 (1987) A Gift from the Culture
- 编者简介 About the Editors
- 译者简介 About the Translators
- 英文译者······
- 中文译者······
- 致谢 Acknowledgements
- 授权声明 Permissions Acknowledgements
- 关于与《科幻百科全书》合作的声明 The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction Partnership
- 额外致谢 Additional Thanks
- 诗云
- 版权信息
- 引言 Introduction
- 帕拉纳曼科 (1987) Paranamanco
- 雨中哭喊 (1989) Crying in the Rain
- 冰冻的红衣主教 (1987) The Frozen Cardinal
- 恋爱中的瑞秋 (1987) Rachel in Love
- 共享空气 (1984) Sharing Air
- 史瓦西半径 (1987) Schwarzschild Radius
- 地狱中的万千色相 (1987) All the Hues of Hell
- 真空态 (1988) Vacuum States
- 两只小鸟 (1980) Two Small Birds
- 燃烧的天空 (1989) Burning Sky
- 梦醒之前 (1989) Before I Wake
- 死亡是静止,死亡是运动 (1990) Death Is Static Death Is Movement
- 鼠脑 (1989) The Brains of Rats
- 戈耳工兽 (1993) Gorgonoids
- 职位空缺:耶稣基督 (1992) Vacancy for the Post of Jesus Christ
- 属于万物的宇宙 (1993) The Universe of Things
- 雷莫拉人 (1994) The Remoras
- 捉鬼游戏的标准 (1994) The Ghost Standard
- 残余的悍妇密码系统-(1995) Remnants of the Virago Crypto System
- 亚历克斯是如何变成一台机器的 (1996) How Alex Became a Machine
- 诗云 (2002) The Poetry Cloud
- 你一生的故事 (1998) Story of Your Life
- 拾荒犬 (1998) Craphound
- 斯林克斯 (2007) The Slynx
- 儿童玩偶 (2002) Baby Doll
- 编者简介 About the Editors
- 译者简介 About the Translators
- 致谢 Acknowledgements
- 授权声明 Permissions Acknowledgements
- 关于与《科幻百科全书》合作的声明 The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction Partnership
- 额外致谢 Additional Thanks
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