





  • 版权信息
  • 译者序
  • 第一章 木匠樱桃师傅是怎么碰巧发现一截娃娃般会哭会笑的木头的?
  • 第二章 樱桃师傅把这截木头送给了他的朋友杰佩托,杰佩托拿起木头,要给自己做一个既会跳舞、击剑,又会翻跟头的木偶。
  • 第三章 杰佩托一回到家,就做成了木偶,把他称为匹诺曹。这个木偶最初的一些恶作剧。
  • 第四章 匹诺曹和会说话的蟋蟀的故事。从这个故事,我们看到坏孩子不喜欢让比他们懂得多的人来纠正他们。
  • 第五章 匹诺曹饿了,想找一个鸡蛋,为自己做一个煎蛋卷,而让他吃惊的是,煎蛋卷从窗户飞了出去。
  • 第六章 匹诺曹把一双脚放在脚炉上倒头睡去,第二天早晨醒来时他的脚被烧掉了。
  • 第七章 杰佩托回到家里,把自己的早饭给了匹诺曹。
  • 第八章 杰佩托为匹诺曹做了一双新脚,卖了自己的上衣,给他买识字课本。
  • 第九章 匹诺曹卖掉了识字课本,是为了有钱去看木偶戏。
  • 第十章 木偶们认出了他们的兄弟匹诺曹,大声欢呼迎接他;但是,碰巧戏班班主吞火者走过来,可怜的匹诺曹差点儿丧命。
  • 第十一章 吞火者打了个喷嚏,饶恕了匹诺曹,因为匹诺曹救了他的朋友花衣小丑一命。
  • 第十二章 吞火者送给匹诺曹五枚金币,让他带给他的父亲杰佩托,但是,匹诺曹遇见了狐狸和猫,就跟它们走了。
  • 第十三章 红虾客栈。
  • 第十四章 匹诺曹不听会说话的蟋蟀的好言相劝,落到了刺客的手里。
  • 第十五章 刺客们追逐匹诺曹,抓住了他,把他吊在一棵大橡树的树枝上。
  • 第十六章 天蓝色头发的可爱少女派人放下可怜的木偶,把他放到床上,并请三位医生告诉她匹诺曹是死是活。
  • 第十七章 匹诺曹吃了糖,但不愿吃药。当掘墓人过来带他走时,他喝了药,感觉好了些。之后,他撒了个谎,作为惩罚,他的鼻子长得越来越长。
  • 第十八章 匹诺曹又发现了狐狸和猫,并跟它们一起到奇迹宝地种金币。
  • 第十九章 匹诺曹被抢走了金币,作为惩罚,他被判处四个月有期徒刑。
  • 第二十章 从牢里释放后,匹诺曹打算回到仙女家里;但是,在路上,他碰见了一条毒蛇,后来又被捕兽夹夹住了。
  • 第二十一章 匹诺曹被一个农夫抓住了。这个农夫让他看鸡圈。
  • 第二十二章 匹诺曹发现了强盗;作为对他的忠诚的一种奖赏,他又获得了自由。
  • 第二十三章 得知可爱的天蓝色头发仙女去世,匹诺曹失声痛哭。他遇见了一只鸽子,鸽子驮着他飞到了海边。他扑进海里,去救自己的父亲。
  • 第二十四章 匹诺曹来到了勤劳蜜蜂国,又一次找到了仙女。
  • 第二十五章 匹诺曹向仙女保证要学好,要学习,因为他渐渐厌倦做一个木偶,想成为一个真正的男孩子。
  • 第二十六章 匹诺曹跟朋友们到海边去看那条可怕的鲨鱼。
  • 第二十七章 匹诺曹和他的玩伴们发生了大战。其中一人受伤。匹诺曹被捕。
  • 第二十八章 匹诺曹冒着被当成鱼放在平底锅里油炸的危险。
  • 第二十九章 匹诺曹回到仙女的家里。仙女答应他,他第二天不用再当木偶,要变成一个男孩子。他们举行一次咖啡牛奶早餐宴会来庆祝这件大事。
  • 第三十章 匹诺曹没有成为男孩子,而是跟他的朋友灯芯一起跑到了玩具国。
  • 第三十一章 玩了五个月后,一个晴朗的早晨,匹诺曹醒来时发现一个大大的意外在等着他。
  • 第三十二章 匹诺曹的耳朵变成了驴耳朵。又过了一小会儿,他变成了一头真正的驴子——而且开始像驴一样叫。
  • 第三十三章 匹诺曹变成了驴子,被马戏班班主买走,班主教他各种把戏。驴子瘸了,被卖给了另一个人,这个人想用他的皮做一面鼓。
  • 第三十四章 匹诺曹被推进海里后,被鱼群吃掉,又一次变成了木偶。当他快游到陆地时,又被可怕的鲨鱼吞了下去。
  • 第三十五章 匹诺曹在鲨鱼的身体里找到了谁?孩子们,读了这一章,你们就会知道。
  • 第三十六章 匹诺曹终于不再是木偶,他变成了男孩子。
  • CHAPTER 1 How it happened that Mastro Cherry, carpenter,found a piece of wood that wept and laughed like a child.
  • CHAPTER 2 Mastro Cherry gives the piece of wood to his friend Geppetto, who takes it to make himself a Marionette that will dance,fence, and turn somersaults.
  • CHAPTER 3 As soon as he gets home, Geppetto fashions the Marionette and calls it Pinocchio. The first pranks of the Marionette
  • CHAPTER 4 The story of Pinocchio and the Talking Cricket, in which one sees that bad children do not like to be corrected by those who know more than they do.
  • CHAPTER 5 Pinocchio is hungry and looks for an egg to cook himself an omelet;but, to his surprise, the omelet flies out of the window.
  • CHAPTER 6 Pinocchio falls asleep with his feet on a foot warmer, and awakens the next day with his feet all burned off
  • CHAPTER 7 Geppetto returns home and gives his own breakfast to the Marionette.
  • CHAPTER 8 Geppetto makes Pinocchio a new pair of feet, and sells his coat to buy him an A-B-C book.
  • CHAPTER 9 Pinocchio sells his A-B-C book to pay his way into the Marionette Theater.
  • CHAPTER 10 The Marionettes recognize their brother Pinocchio, and greet him with loud cheers; but the Director,Fire Eater, happens along and poor Pinocchio almost loses his life.
  • CHAPTER 11 Fire Eater sneezes and forgives Pinocchio, who saves his friend,Harlequin, from death.
  • CHAPTER 12 Fire Eater gives Pinocchio five gold pieces for his father, Geppetto; but the Marionette meets a Fox and a Cat and follows them.
  • CHAPTER 13 The Inn of the Red Lobster.
  • CHAPTER 14 Pinocchio, not having listened to the good advice of the Talking Cricket,falls into the hands of the Assassins.
  • CHAPTER 15 The Assassins chase Pinocchio,catch him, and hang him to the branch of a giant oak tree.
  • CHAPTER 16 The Lovely Maiden with Azure Hair sends for the poor Marionette,puts him to bed, and calls three Doctors to tell her if Pinocchio is dead or alive.
  • CHAPTER 17 Pinocchio eats sugar, but refuses to take medicine. When the undertakers come for him, he drinks the medicine and feels better. Afterwards he tells a lie and, in punishment, his nose grows longer and longer.
  • CHAPTER 18 Pinocchio finds the Fox and the Cat again, and goes with them to sow the gold pieces in the Field of Wonders.
  • CHAPTER 19 Pinocchio is robbed of his gold pieces and, in punishment,is sentenced to four months in prison.
  • CHAPTER 20 Freed from prison, Pinocchio sets out to return to the Fairy; but on the way he meets a Serpent and later is caught in a trap.
  • CHAPTER 21 Pinocchio is caught by a Farmer, who uses him as a watchdog for his chicken coop.
  • CHAPTER 22 Pinocchio discovers the thieves and, as a reward for faithfulness, he regains his liberty.
  • CHAPTER 23 Pinocchio weeps upon learning that the Lovely Maiden with Azure Hair is dead. He meets a Pigeon, who carries him to the seashore. He throws himself into the sea to go to the aid of his father.
  • CHAPTER 24 Pinocchio reaches the Island of the Busy Bees and finds the Fairy once more
  • CHAPTER 25 Pinocchio promises the Fairy to be good and to study, as he is growing tired of being a Marionette,and wishes to become a real boy.
  • CHAPTER 26 Pinocchio goes to the seashore with his friends to see the Terrible Shark.
  • CHAPTER 27 The great battle between Pinocchio and his playmates. One is wounded. Pinocchio is arrested.
  • CHAPTER 28 Pinocchio runs the danger of being fried in a pan like a fish
  • CHAPTER 29 Pinocchio returns to the Fairy’s house and she promises him that,on the morrow, he will cease to be a Marionette and become a boy. A wonderful party of coffee-and-milk to celebrate the great event.
  • CHAPTER 30 Pinocchio, instead of becoming a boy,runs away to the Land of Toys with his friend, Lamp-Wick.
  • CHAPTER 31 After five months of play, Pinocchio wakes up one fine morning and finds a great surprise awaiting him
  • CHAPTER 32 Pinocchio’s ears become like those of a Donkey. In a little while he changes into a real Donkey and begins to bray.
  • CHAPTER 33 Pinocchio, having become a Donkey, is bought by the owner of a Circus, who wants to teach him to do tricks. The Donkey becomes lame and is sold to a man who wants to use his skin for a drumhead.
  • CHAPTER 34 Pinocchio is thrown into the sea,eaten by fishes, and becomes a Marionette once more. As he swims to land, he is swallowed by the Terrible Shark.
  • CHAPTER 35 In the Shark’s body Pinocchio finds whom? Read this chapter, my children, and you will know.
  • CHAPTER 36 Pinocchio finally ceases to be a Marionette and becomes a boy.




